(Yes/NO) check boxes in Excel cells? Posted by Kevin Mac on January 04, 2002 10:12 AM. I am looking to see if there is a way to insert 'yes/no' check boxes into an Excel worksheet in a particular column. In this case the column is I2:I60. If you are going to put a checkbox in each cell in column I, then you would be better off using data. Inserting a checkbox in Excel is an easy task, the checkbox control is available in the Excel developer tools option. Checkbox and other controls like drop downs can be quite helpful while designing forms in Excel. These controls prevent users from entering some unwanted data in your forms and hence they are preferred to traditional textboxes. I am using the following script to add checkboxes to a range of cells. I would like to enhance this by checking if the cell already contains a checkbox and if it does then do not add a new checkbox in the cell, ie only add a check box to a cell in the range if it does not already contain a checkbox.

In Excel 2011 for Mac, you can hide entire worksheets or just some columns or rows. And you can unhide them, too. This control over what can be seen or not can be helpful in hiding content such as:

  • Content that needs to be used in a formula, but need not be visible

  • Content that you link from, but you don’t need to show it to everyone

Ms Excel Checkbox In Cell

Just remember that you can also wind up having secrets that others know how to discover with these methods! Use these options to hide or unhide a complete worksheet:

  • To hide a worksheet: Choose Format→Sheet→Hide.

  • To unhide a worksheet: Choose Format→Sheet→Unhide.

You can also right-click any worksheet tab to bring up a menu that has a Hide option. Similarly, right-click any visible worksheet tab to bring up the same menu with an Unhide option.

If your workbook has just one unhidden worksheet, or even just one worksheet in the entire workbook, you won’t be able to hide it.

  • To hide a row or rows: Select a complete row or multiple rows. Then choose Format→Row→Hide. Or right-click the row header and choose the Hide option.

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  • To hide a column or columns: Select a complete column or multiple columns. Then choose Format→Column→Hide. Or right-click the column header and choose the Hide option.

  • To unhide rows or columns: You must first select the surrounding rows or columns by using the dark arrow cursor in the row number or column heading before you can unhide by choosing Format→Row (or Column)→Unhide. You can also select surrounding rows or columns, right-click the row or column header, and choose the Unhide option in the resultant menu.

Microsoft Excel For Mac Tutorial



Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.


In Microsoft Excel, you can create a macro that is called only when a value is entered into a cell in a particular sheet or in any sheet that is currently open.

Note, however, that you should not call macros unnecessarily because they slow down the performance of Excel.

Microsoft Excel For Mac Checkbox In Cell Download

More information

Make Cell Into Checkbox In Excel

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements. In many instances, a macro should run only when a certain number of cells have values entered into them (referred to as the 'key cells' in this document). In order to prevent a large macro from running every time a value is entered into a cell of a sheet, you must check to see if theActiveCell is one of the key cells. To accomplish this, use the Intersect method on the ActiveCell and the range containing the key cells to verify the ActiveCell is one of the key cells. If the ActiveCell is in the range containing the key cells, you can call the macro.

Microsoft Excel Checkbox Cell

To create the Visual Basic macro:

Microsoft Excel For Mac Checkbox In Cell Word

  1. Right-click the Sheet1 tab and then click View Code.

    The module sheet behind Sheet1 is opened.

  2. Type the following code into the module sheet:

  3. Click Close and Return to Microsoft Excel on the File menu.

Microsoft Excel For Mac Checkbox In Cell Phone

When you type an entry in cells A1:C10 on Sheet1, a message box is displayed.

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