2018-4-19  要配置 Mac 的 Microsoft Outlook 中苹果 iCloud 的电子邮件帐户,请执行以下步骤: 启动 Outlook 的 mac。在工具菜单上,单击帐户。单击加号 (+) 的左下角,签名,然后选择其他的电子邮件。输入您的电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击添加帐户。. 2017-12-7  文档在Windows操作系统下的Office2015 打开无任何问题。到Mac系统下的Office365中打开文档验证身份时,提示 '您不具有在此服务器上使用Rights Management Services的权限。“ 在此提示出现前,根本没有提示输入用户名和密码。 请问. 您好, 请问您使用的Office. 2010-11-16  CSDN提供了精准office版本 rms信息,主要包含: office版本 rms信等内容,查询最新最全的office版本 rms信解决方案,就上CSDN热门排行榜频道. Mar 21, 2017 Our Mac users have been reporting that RMS for mac isn't working and they get a 'You do not have permission to open this message'. I did some testing and discovered that Outlook for Mac 2011 works. I cannot find any clear instructions on how to enable RMS for MacOS computers using Mac Office 2016. I can use labels in Outlook 2016 for mac to send encrptyed and not forward emails. However, I cannot protect any documents in Word, Excel etc of Office 2016 Mac. The options to protect are not ava. 2012-10-26  RMS Viewer enables Mac computers to consume Microsoft Windows Rights Management protected documents recieved by mail or any other application. IMPORTANT: This application requires connectivity to an RMS Rendering Server running in your.

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Applies to: Azure Information Protection, Office 365


To provide a unified and streamlined customer experience, Azure Information Protection client (classic) and Label Management in the Azure Portal are being deprecated as of March 31, 2021. This time-frame allows all current Azure Information Protection customers to transition to our unified labeling solution using the Microsoft Information Protection Unified Labeling platform. Learn more in the official deprecation notice.

When you use the Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection, protection templates are automatically downloaded to client computers so that users can select them from their applications. However, you might need to take additional steps if you make changes to the templates:

Application or serviceHow templates are refreshed after changes
Exchange Online
Applicable for transport rules and the Outlook web app
Automatically refreshed within an hour - no additional steps required.
Azure Information Protection clientAutomatically refreshed whenever the Azure Information Protection policy is refreshed on the client:
- When an Office application opens that supports the Azure Information Protection bar.
- When you right-click to classify and protect a file or folder.
- When you run the PowerShell cmdlets for labeling and protection (Get-AIPFileStatus and Set-AIPFileLabel).
- When the Azure Information Protection Scanner service starts and the local policy is older than one hour. In addition, the scanner service checks for changes every hour and uses these changes for the next scan cycle.
- Every 24 hours.
Additionally, because this client is tightly integrated with Office, any refreshed templates for Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013 will also be refreshed for the Azure Information Protection client.
Azure Information Protection unified labeling clientFor Office apps, the templates automatically refresh every time the app is opened.
Additionally, because this client is tightly integrated with Office, any refreshed templates for Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013 will also be refreshed for the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client.
For File Explorer, PowerShell, and the scanner, the client doesn't download templates but accesses them online - no additional steps required.
Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013Automatically refreshed - on a schedule:
- For these later versions of Office: The default refresh interval is every 7 days.
To force a refresh sooner than the schedule, see the following section, Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013: How to force a refresh for templates.
Office 2010Automatically refreshed when users sign out from Windows, sign back in, and wait up to 1 hour.
Exchange on-premises with the Rights Management connector
Applicable for transport rules and the Outlook web app
Automatically refreshed - no additional steps required. However, the Outlook web app caches the UI for a day.
Office 2019 for Mac and Office 2016 for MacAutomatically refreshed when you open protected content. To force a refresh, see the following section, Office 2019 for Mac and Office 2016 for Mac: How to force a refresh for templates.
RMS sharing app for Mac computersAutomatically refreshed - no additional steps required.
Office 365 ProPlus apps with built-in labelingThis built-in labeling client doesn't download templates but accesses them online - no additional steps required.

When client applications need to download templates (initially or refreshed for changes), be prepared to wait up to 30 minutes before the download is complete and the new or updated templates are fully operational. The actual time will vary, according to factors such as the size and complexity of the template configuration, and the network connectivity.

Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013: How to force a refresh for templates

By editing the registry on the computers running Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013, you can change the automatic schedule so that changed templates are refreshed on computers more frequently than their default value. You can also force an immediate refresh by deleting the existing data in a registry value.


If you use the Registry Editor incorrectly, you might cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using the Registry Editor incorrectly. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

To change the automatic schedule

  1. Using a registry editor, create and set one of the following registry values:

    • To set an update frequency in days (minimum of 1 day): Create a new registry value named TemplateUpdateFrequency and define an integer value for the data, which specifies the frequency in days to download any changes to a downloaded template. Use the following information to locate the registry path to create this new registry value.

      Registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftMSIPC

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      Type: REG_DWORD

      Value: TemplateUpdateFrequency

    • To set an update frequency in seconds (minimum of 1 second): Create a new registry value named TemplateUpdateFrequencyInSeconds and define an integer value for the data, which specifies the frequency in seconds to download any changes to a downloaded template. Use the following information to locate the registry path to create this new registry value.

      Registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftMSIPC

      Type: REG_DWORD

      Value: TemplateUpdateFrequencyInSeconds

    Make sure that you create and set one of these registry values, not both. If both are present, TemplateUpdateFrequency is ignored.

  2. If you want to force an immediate refresh of the templates, go to the next procedure. Otherwise, restart your Office applications and instances of File Explorer now.

To force an immediate refresh

  1. Using a registry editor, delete the data for the LastUpdatedTime value. For example, the data might display 2015-04-20T15:52; delete 2015-04-20T15:52 so that no data is displayed. Use the following information to locate the registry path to delete this registry value data.

    Registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftMSIPC<MicrosoftRMS_FQDN>Template<user_alias>

    Type: REG_SZ

    Value: LastUpdatedTime


    In the registry path, <MicrosoftRMS_FQDN> refers to your Microsoft RMS service FQDN. If you want to verify this value:

    Run the Get-AipServiceConfiguration cmdlet for Azure Information Protection. If you haven't already installed the AIPService PowerShell module, see Installing the AIPService PowerShell module.

    From the output, identify the LicensingIntranetDistributionPointUrl value.

    For example: LicensingIntranetDistributionPointUrl : https://5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-49bded473437.rms.na.aadrm.com/_wmcs/licensing

    From the value, remove https:// and /_wmcs/licensing from this string. The remaining value is your Microsoft RMS service FQDN. In our example, the Microsoft RMS service FQDN would be the following value:


  2. Delete the following folder and all files it contains: %localappdata%MicrosoftMSIPCTemplates

  3. Restart your Office applications and instances of File Explorer.

Office 2019 for Mac and Office 2016 for Mac: How to force a refresh for templates

In these versions of Office for Mac, templates refresh when you open protected content or you protect content by using a sensitivity label that's newly configured to apply encryption. If you need to force a refresh of the templates, you can use the following instructions. However, the command in the instructions deletes the templates, the RMS token cache in the key chain, and local use licenses for any previously opened protected content. As a result, you will need to authenticate again and you must have an internet connection to open the previously opened protected content.

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  1. Open Terminal, and enter the following command:

  2. Restart Outlook for Mac.

  3. Create a new email and select Encrypt, and then Verify Credentials.

Exchange Rms

See Also

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