In charts, axis labels are shown below the horizontal (also known as category) axis, next to the vertical (also known as value) axis, and, in a 3-D chart, next to the depth axis.

The chart uses text from your source data for axis labels. To change the label, you can change the text in the source data. If you don't want to change the text of the source data, you can create label text just for the chart you're working on.

Define Axis X-axis

  1. 2013-2-17  How do I see the X axis values with Excel 2010. Hi, I know it's a basic question - and I've been charting with Excel for a while; but now all of a sudden when I make a Line Chart with Excel 2010; the horizonital values shown are just sequential numbers of the real X values. You should use a line chart if your category labels are text,.
  2. Display text labels in X-axis of scatter chart. Actually, there is no way that can display text labels in the X-axis of scatter chart in Excel, but we can create a line chart and make it look like a scatter chart. Select the data you use, and click Insert Insert Line & Area Chart Line with Markers to select a line chart. See screenshot: 2.

2005-5-9  Microsoft Office Application Help - Excel Help forum; Excel Charting & Pivots. If you are wanting category labels on the x and y axis then you could. Bubble chart with names in X and Y axis instead of numbers Thanks a lot, that's working. It's a bit tedious, but it works. Jun 14, 2019 Launch Microsoft Excel and open the spreadsheet that contains the graph the values of whose X axis you want to change. Right-click on the X axis of the graph you want to change the values of. Click on Select Data in the resulting context menu. Under the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels section, click on Edit.

In addition to changing the text of labels, you can also change their appearance by adjusting formats.

Note: An axis label is different from an axis title, which you can add to describe what's shown on the axis. Axis titles aren't automatically shown in a chart. To learn how to add them, see Add or remove titles in a chart. Also, horizontal axis labels (in the chart above, Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3, and Qtr 4) are different from the legend labels below them (East Asia Sales 2009 and East Asia Sales 2010). To learn more about legends, see Add and format a chart legend.

2018-6-29  I cannot sign in to my OneNote app on my macbook using my university account. It will let me sign in online but when I try to sign in to the app it doesnt work. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. (Apple menuAbout this Mac) and OneNote(OneNoteAbout Microsoft OneNote). What have you changed before this issue happens? I can't sign into my microsoft account from onenote mac. 2018-2-1  Cannot sign in OneNote on Mac Split from this thread. I am experiencing his same issue. The normal Mac sign in issue can be fixed with the steps. On the other hand, Mac doesn’t support local notebooks so far. Are you signing to Microsoft account or work or school account? Change an account to see the result. Thanks, Rena. 2018-4-25  Can't Sign In to OneNote on Mac I am able to use OneNote Online through my browser, however I'm unable to login through the actual app. What account are you using to sign into OneNote? A Microsoft account or work/school account? Can you sign into other Office application with that account? Regards, Zixuan.

Change the text of category labels in the source data

  1. Click each cell in the worksheet that contains the label text you want to change.

  2. Type the text you want in each cell, and press Enter.

    As you change the text in the cells, the labels in the chart are updated.

Use new text for category labels in the chart and leavesource data text unchanged

  1. Right-click the category labels to change, and click Select Data.

  2. In Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, click Edit.

  3. In Axis label range, enter the labels you want to use, separated by commas.

    For example, type Quarter 1,Quarter 2,Quarter 3,Quarter 4.

Change the format of text in category axis labels

  1. Right-click the category axis labels you want to format, and then select Font.

  2. On the Font tab, pick the formatting options you want.

  3. On the Character Spacing tab, pick the spacing options you want.

Microsoft 2010 Mac Excel X Axis Category Text Online

Change the format of numbers on the value axis

  1. Right-click the value axis labels you want to format, and then select Format Axis.

  2. In the Format Axis pane, select Number.

    Tip: If you don't see the Number section in the pane, make sure you've selected a value axis (it's usually the vertical axis on the left).

  3. Choose the number format options you want.

    Tip: If the number format you choose uses decimal places, you can specify them in the Decimal places box.

  4. To keep numbers linked to the worksheet cells, select the Linked to source check box.

    Note: Before you format numbers as percentages, make sure that the numbers shown on the chart have been calculated as percentages in the worksheet, or are shown in decimal format like 0.1. To calculate percentages on the worksheet, divide the amount by the total. For example, if you enter =10/100 and format the result 0.1 as a percentage, the number is correctly shown as 10%.

Microsoft 2010 Mac Excel X Axis Category Text Message

Related information

A 3-D column, 3-D cone, or 3-D pyramid chart has a depth (series) axis, also known as the z axis, that you can change. You can specify the interval between tick marks and axis labels, change their placement along the axis, and reverse the order in which the series are displayed.

To change the scale of other axes in a chart, see Change the scale of the horizontal (category) axis in a chart or Change the scale of the vertical (value) axis in a chart.

Microsoft 2010 Mac Excel X Axis Category Text Download

  1. In a 3-D chart, click the depth axis that you want to change, or do the following to select the axis from a list of chart elements:

    1. Click anywhere in the chart.

      This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.

    2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow next to the Chart Elements box, and then click Depth (Series) Axis.

  2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.

  3. In the Format Axis dialog box, click Axis Options if it is not selected, and then do one or more of the following:

    Important The following scaling options are available only when a depth axis is selected.

    1. To change the interval between tick marks, in the Interval between tick marks box, type the number that you want.

      Note The number that you type determines how many data series are displayed between the tick marks.

    2. To change the interval between axis labels, under Interval between labels, click Specify interval unit, and then in the text box, type the number that you want.

      Tip Type 1 to display a label for every data series, 2 to display a label for every other data series, 3 to display a label for every third data series, and so on.

    3. To reverse the order of series, select the Series in reverse order check box.

      Note This reverses the order of the data series that are displayed along the depth axis.

    4. To change the placement of the axis tick marks and labels, select any of the options that you want in the Major tick mark type, Minor tick mark type, and Axis labels boxes.


Microsoft 2010 Mac Excel X Axis Category Textbook

  • After changing the scale of the axis, you may also want to change the way that the axis is formatted. For more information, see Change the display of chart axes.

  • Scaling does not change the gap depth or gap width between data series. To change the gap depth or width, right-click a data series, and then click Format Data Series. Specify the settings that you want under Series Options.

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