A page color and a background are often seen to give an attractive and eye-catching look to a page. While using MS office 2010 one is likely to find it quite easy to apply various backgrounds to a page in their document.

In this tutorial you will learn how different colors and background on Microsoft word can be used in order to make a document look more appealing to viewers.

2018-2-11  Why can't I use Publisher on my Mac? There is no other software in existence that allows me to do those things. I think Microsoft are ostracising the Apple users by not allowing this. I am a teacher and need Publisher to be able to do my job! People keep pointing me towards Page however if I use Pages I then can't open this in work to print it. 2013-4-27  Question: Q: how can i get microsoft publisher on my macbook pro late 2011? How can i get it on my mac? I have the microsoft office exel powerpoint and outlook on my mac but not publisher and i searched for it and it did not come up. MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5) Posted on Apr 19, 2013 11:18 AM. Just follow these instructions to install Microsoft Publisher on your Mac. Download and install Parallels on your Mac. Parallels (check out our full review here) is an incredibly useful tool that allows you to run Windows at the same as macOS.Once installed, you can install any Windows application or game on your Mac, including Microsoft Publisher. Can i download microsoft publisher on my mac. Can I download Microsoft publishing on my Mac. Technician's Assistant: What Operating System (OS) are you running on your Mac? Mac OS HIGH SIERRA. Technician's Assistant: How long has this been going on with your Mac? What have you tried so far? I've been using.a pc for publishing, but wanted to stop using pc and just use Mac.

I am using Word 2016 for Mac. I am trying to remove background colour behind text I have copied from my online learning portal, but I cannot find a way in Word to remove the background black. The only solution I have found is to copy and paste the text into a text file, then copy and paste the content back to Word.

Mac Microsoft Word Behind Page Background Color Tag

Dec 22, 2012  In 2008, there was a file in the Contents-Resources folder called 'Page Layout View Background Rest' that you could replace with any image and the background would change (by 'background', I mean the actual grey color on each side of the word document, not the background of the document itself). Jan 24, 2020  In Microsoft Word, you can apply a background color to an entire table or to specific portions of a table.This is helpful when you want to highlight a part of a table. For example, if you’re working with sales figures, apply a different color to a column, row, or cell that contains totals.

Step # 1 – Applying a color to the background

In order to apply a color to the background of your page in a document, all you need to do is go to ‘Page Layout’ tab in the top menu and click on the option titled ‘Page Color’. As you move your cursor through the various colors given in the list under this drop down arrow, you will be able to see a preview of what the page will look like once you have applied the color to its background. In this case, we have chosen to apply a Tan background to our document.

Step # 2 – Standardizing and customizing colors

In order to customize colors for your background you can click on the ‘More colors’ option in the page color drop down. Once this is done, a new window open will open on your screen titled ‘Colors’. In the ‘standard’ option you can choose any color that matches your specifications. One can even choose colors from the grey scale option given at the lower end of this dialogue box. In the custom tab there are more colors to choose from and one can even go into specifying minute details such as RGB and HSL values.

Step # 3 – Using the ‘Gradient’ tab

Different effects can be added to the background using the ‘fill Effects’ option in the page color dropdown menu. The first tab you will be able to see in the dialogue box that will appear on your screen will be the ‘gradient’.

Here you will be able to see a variety of option. In order to apply the gradient effect using two different colors in the background, you must select the ‘two colors’ option given here. There are also a variety of shading styles available; out of which, in this case we have chosen the ‘Diagonal up’ style.

How To Change Microsoft Word Background Color

This will help create a beautiful gradient effect in the background.

Microsoft Word Text Background Color

Step # 4 – Using the ‘Texture’ Tab

The second tab available is ‘Texture’ tab; in which you are allowed to choose any specific texture from the list given. This will allow you to apply a texture to the background in your document. In this case, we are applying the ‘papyrus’ texture.

Mac Microsoft Word Behind Page Background Color

Step # 5 – Using the ‘Pattern’ Tab

The third tab available here it titled ‘Pattern’. Using this option, you will be able to choose a specific pattern to apply to your documents’ background. You can also select a different color for the foreground and background of a particular pattern.

Step # 6 – Using a picture as the background

The last tab in the ‘fill effect’ option is titled ‘Picture’. Here, you will be able to select a particular picture and it will appear in the whole background in the form of tiles i.e., the same picture will appear a number of times on the same page. In this case, you can see we have inserted a picture which is appearing in the background of our document in the form of tiles.

Step # 7 – Applying Page Borders

Mac Microsoft Word Behind Page Background Color Not Printing In Word

In order to be able to apply border to pages in your document, all you need to do is go to the ‘Page Borders’ option given in the page background section and choose a particular style for the border you wish to apply. In this tutorial, we have selected the double wavy border to apply on this page.

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