Feb 18, 2020 Free download Microsoft Remote Desktop Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac OS X. Microsoft Remote Desktop - With the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, you can connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere. Remote Desktop clients.; 2 minutes to read +5; In this article. Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2. You can use a Microsoft Remote Desktop client to connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere using just about any device. Use Microsoft Remote Desktop for iOS to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin. With Microsoft Remote Desktop, you can be productive no matter where you are. GET STARTED Configure your PC for remote access using the information at https://aka.ms/rdsetup. Microsoft remote desktop free download - Microsoft Remote Desktop, Remote Desktop Connection Manager, Remote Desktop for Windows 8, and many more programs. Get started with the Windows Desktop client.; 6 minutes to read; In this article. Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, and Windows 7. You can use the Remote Desktop client for Windows Desktop to access Windows apps and desktops remotely from a different Windows device.
Do not use this version. Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta client directly from Microsoft, currently version 8.2.27 (you'll find it online, hosted on Hockeyapp, now a division of MS). Lots of improvements including much better UI. 4. is for the beta version, not this one. May 20, 2015 All, Since the new update to 8.0.17 on a MAC O/S 10.10.4 (Yosemite), When trying to connect to the desktop you get a white screen and after 5 mins it will kick you out.
Easily connect to remote Windows PCs
With Remote Desktop Connection Client 2, you can quickly, simply and securely connect to Windows-based PCs to access Windows-based files, applications, devices, and networks from your Mac.
One Mac, unlimited Windows
New Multiple Session Support gives Mac users simultaneous access to multiple Windows-based PCs or to a network server that hosts remote applications and files. Since it works with Vista and is a Universal application, Remote Desktop Connection Client 2 is compatible with the latest technologies on Windows and Mac platforms.
A more Mac-like experience
A redesigned user interface makes this application more customizable. Create your own keyboard shortcuts; and even access and change preferences during active sessions.
Print everything off your Mac
Access and print from Windows applications to any printer that can be configured from your Intel- or PowerPC-based Macs.
Get fast updates and easy help
Microsoft Error Reporting Tool and Microsoft AutoUpdate are included so you can anonymously submit data on software related issues and get software updates as soon as they are available. Remote Desktop Connection Client 2 also takes advantage of the new Helpviewer and improved help topics for quick access to fresh online product help from within the application.
Reduce security breaches
Network Level Authentication (NLA) is a new authentication method in Windows Vista that offers security enhancements that can help to protect the remote computer from hackers and malicious software. It completes user authentication before you establish a full Remote Desktop Connection. Please see Windows Help for more details on network level authentication.
What's New:
Si applica a: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Bullet point microsoft word shortcut mac. Puoi eseguire il client Desktop remoto per Mac per utilizzare desktop, risorse e app di Windows dal computer Mac.You can use the Remote Desktop client for Mac to work with Windows apps, resources, and desktops from your Mac computer.Per iniziare, usa le informazioni seguenti e, se hai dubbi, consulta le domande frequenti.Use the following information to get started - and check out the FAQ if you have questions.
Per iniziare a usare Desktop remoto nel computer Mac, segui questi passaggi:Follow these steps to get started with Remote Desktop on your Mac:
Stiamo testando nuove funzionalità nel canale di anteprima di AppCenter.We're testing new features on our preview channel on AppCenter.Per dare un'occhiata,Want to check it out?passa a Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac e fai clic su Download (Scarica).Go to Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac and click Download.Non devi creare un account o accedere ad AppCenter per scaricare la versione beta del client.You don't need to create an account or sign into AppCenter to download the beta client.
Se hai già il client, puoi verificare la disponibilità di aggiornamenti per assicurarti di usare la versione più recente.If you already have the client, you can check for updates to ensure you have the latest version.Nel client beta, fare clic su Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta nella parte superiore, quindi fare clic su Controlla aggiornamenti.In the beta client, click Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta at the top, and then click Check for updates.
Per creare una connessione Desktop remoto:To create a remote desktop connection:
In Connection Center (Centro connessioni) fai clic su + e quindi su Desktop.In the Connection Center, click +, and then click Desktop.
Immettere le informazioni seguenti:Enter the following information:
Puoi anche definire queste impostazioni facoltative per la connessione:You can also set these optional settings for the connection:
Fare clic su Save.Click Save.
Per avviare la connessione, fai semplicemente doppio clic su di essa.To start the connection, just double-click it.Usa la stessa modalità di selezione per le risorse remote.The same is true for remote resources.
Puoi esportare una definizione della connessione Desktop remoto e usarla in un altro dispositivo.You can export a remote desktop connection definition and use it on a different device.Desktop remoto vengono salvati in separato. File RDP.Remote desktops are saved in separate .RDP files.
Utilizzare la procedura seguente per importare un desktop remoto. File con estensione RDP.Use the following steps to import a remote desktop .RDP file.
Risorse remote sono programmi RemoteApp, desktop basati su sessione e i desktop virtuali pubblicati tramite connessione RemoteApp e Desktop.Remote resources are RemoteApp programs, session-based desktops, and virtual desktops published using RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.
Per aggiungere una risorsa remota:To add a remote resource:
Verranno visualizzate nel Centro connessioni di risorse remote.The remote resources will be displayed in the Connection Center.
Un gateway Desktop remoto consente di stabilire la connessione a un computer remoto in una rete aziendale da qualsiasi posizione in Internet.A Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) lets you connect to a remote computer on a corporate network from anywhere on the Internet.Puoi creare e gestire i gateway nelle preferenze dell'app o durante la configurazione di una nuova connessione desktop.You can create and manage your gateways in the preferences of the app or while setting up a new desktop connection.
Per impostare un nuovo gateway nelle preferenze:To set up a new gateway in preferences:
Quando ci si connette a una risorsa remota o desktop, è possibile salvare gli account utente per selezionare nuovamente.When you connect to a desktop or remote resources, you can save the user accounts to select from again.È possibile gestire gli account utente utilizzando il client Desktop remoto.You can manage your user accounts by using the Remote Desktop client.
Per creare un nuovo account utente:To create a new user account:
È possibile specificare la risoluzione dello schermo per la sessione di desktop remoto.You can specify the display resolution for the remote desktop session.
Per eliminare la risoluzione, selezionarlo e quindi fare clic su - .To delete the resolution, select it, and then click -.
Displays have separate spaces (Schermi con spazi separati). Se usi Mac OS X 10.9 e hai disabilitato l'opzione Displays have separate spaces (Schermi con spazi separati) in Mavericks (System Preferences > Mission Control (Preferenze di sistema > Controllo missione) devi configurare questa impostazione nel client Desktop remoto con la stessa opzione.Displays have separate spaces If you are running Mac OS X 10.9 and disabled Displays have separate spaces in Mavericks (System Preferences > Mission Control), you need to configure this setting in the remote desktop client using the same option.
Il reindirizzamento delle unità è supportato per le risorse remote e consente di salvare localmente nel computer Mac i file creati con un'applicazione remota.Drive redirection is supported for remote resources, so that you can save files created with a remote application locally to your Mac.La cartella reindirizzata è sempre la home directory visualizzata come un'unità di rete nella sessione remota.The redirected folder is always your home directory displayed as a network drive in the remote session.
Per usare questa funzionalità, l'amministratore deve definire le impostazioni appropriate nel server.In order to use this feature, the administrator needs to set the appropriate settings on the server.
I layout di tastiera Mac differiscono dai layout di tastiera Windows.Mac keyboard layouts differ from the Windows keyboard layouts.
Per impostazione predefinita, la sessione remota userà le stesse impostazioni locali della tastiera del sistema operativo su cui viene eseguito il client.By default, the remote session will use the same keyboard locale as the OS you're running the client on.Se il Mac esegue un sistema operativo in lingua inglese, questo stesso sistema operativo verrà usato anche per le sessioni remote. Se le impostazioni locali della tastiera del sistema operativo non vengono usate, controlla l'impostazione della tastiera nel computer remoto e modificala manualmente.(If your Mac is running an en-us OS, that will be used for the remote sessions as well.) If the OS keyboard locale is not used, check the keyboard setting on the remote PC and change it manually.Per altre informazioni sulle tastiere e le impostazioni locali, vedi Domande frequenti sul client Desktop remoto.See the Remote Desktop Client FAQ for more information about keyboards and locales.
Windows Server 2012 R2 introdotto il supporto per un nuovo metodo di autenticazione, autenticazione plug-in Gateway Desktop remoto e l'autorizzazione, che offre maggiore flessibilità per le routine di autenticazione personalizzato.Windows Server 2012 R2 introduced support for a new authentication method, Remote Desktop Gateway pluggable authentication and authorization, which provides more flexibility for custom authentication routines.Puoi ora provare questo modello di autenticazione con il client Mac.You can now try this authentication model with the Mac client.
Modelli di autenticazione e autorizzazione personalizzati prima di Windows 8.1 non sono supportati, anche se nell'articolo precedente vengono illustrate tali.Custom authentication and authorization models before Windows 8.1 are not supported, although the article above discusses them.
Per altre informazioni su questa funzionalità, consulta https://aka.ms/paa-sample.To learn more about this feature, check out https://aka.ms/paa-sample.
Domande e commenti sono sempre Benvenuti.Questions and comments are always welcome.Tuttavia, NON inviare una richiesta di risoluzione dei problemi utilizzando la funzionalità di commento alla fine di questo articolo.However, please do NOT post a request for troubleshooting help by using the comment feature at the end of this article.Al contrario, andare alla forum su client di Desktop remoto e avviare un nuovo thread.Instead, go to the Remote Desktop client forum and start a new thread.Avete suggerimenti funzionalità?Have a feature suggestion?Comunicaci nel forum dedicato agli utenti di client.Tell us in the client user voice forum.