We are using exchange 2016. Mac users keeps on disconnecting on exchange using mac mail. The issue is reported to Microsoft.
Below is a summary of the case.
To use AutoUpdate, start Microsoft Lync or another Microsoft Office application, and then click Check for Updates on the Help menu. Cannot sign into Lync for Mac when connecting through VPN You cannot sign into Lync for Mac when you are connected through a Cisco or Juniper VPN client.
Feb 05, 2020 Lync Server 2013 customers should consider upgrading their installation to Skype for Business Server 2015, or downloading the latest Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update version 8308.974 or higher. Lync Server 2010 is not supported – instead we recommend customers continue to use the Lync for Mac 2011 client. Mar 25, 2017 Question: Q: Mac mail keeps on disconnecting to exchange 2016. We are using exchange 2016. Mac users keeps on disconnecting on exchange using mac mail. The issue is reported to Microsoft. Below is a summary of the case. Symptom: MacBook apple mail always disconnect on exchange server.
Symptom: MacBook apple mail always disconnect on exchange server
Cause: Autodiscover process not correctly handle by MacBook
Microsoft windows vs mac os vs linux vs unix. Microsoft developed the Windows operating system. It was developed so as to overcome the limitation of the MS-DOS operating system. Linux is UNIX like a source software and can use an operating system which provides full memory protection and multi-tasking operations. It is an open d by anyone. Head To Head Comparison Between Linux and MAC and Windows (Infographics) Below is the Top 5 Comparisons Between Linux vs MAC vs.
- Checked that all server components and services were ok
- Checked that the mail flow was ok
- Checked on IIS Default Web Site and Back End Site have the correct bindings and certificates assigned (Default: Public Certificate, BackEnd: Microsoft Exchange Certificate).
- Checked authentication and other settings on the EWS Virtual Directory, since MacBook will use this VD to connect to Exchange but was everything ok
- Customer confirmed that Outlook clients, mobile devices and OWA are working correctly.
- Recreated the issue by removing the profile on the Macbook and create a new one, and checked that was not able to correctly configured, and was presenting a Self-Signed Certificate, not the Public one.
- Testing on our MacBook but is getting a wrong certificate: Remote Certificate Subject: CN=sl17.sahara.net.sa, OU=PositiveSSL, OU=Domain Control Validated, Issuer: CN='cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority', O='cPanel, Inc.', L=Houston, S=TX, C=US
-Testing on ExRCA allowing automatic configuration using Autodiscover ended up with error when sync
-Testing on ExRCA manually selection the EWS website, perform all steps successfully (because we are bypassing the autodiscover, providing directly the rootdomain test of Autodiscover)
-Showed on ExRCA that the first certificate was not the correctly one and the MAC was stuck on the first step of the Autodiscover
- This will also affect the MacBook that will try to connect using IMAP
-Outlook clients, will eventually connect because, they will first attempt to connect to https://domain.com.sa/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml and next step will be: https://autodiscover.domain.com.sa/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml . However, Mac users stuck on the first process., taking the wrong certificate.
- For Windows machines we can avoid that behavior but that is not possible on Mac I am afraid.
- Unfortunately, It is well known that Mac products are not working 100% with Microsoft products such us Exchange, ActiveSync issues, Autodiscover issues among others.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
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