1. You can purchase Office 365 subscriptions for both Mac and Windows. Office Home & Business 2019 or Office Home & Student 2019 are also available for Mac as a one-time purchase. Office applications available for a Mac are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote. The Publisher and Access applications are not available for Mac.
  2. Installing R on Mac OSX. Installing R on Mac OS is similar to Windows. Once again, The easiest way is to install it through CRAN by going to the CRAN downloads page and following the links as shown in the video below: The next step is to click on the 'R-3.6.2.pkg' (or newer version) file to begin the installation.
  3. 探索 Mac 的精彩世界。了解 MacBook Pro、iMac Pro、MacBook Air、iMac 以及更多产品。访问 Apple 网站了解、购买产品,并获得技术支持。 这款功能强大的文字处理软件,能满足你的各种所需,令制作出的文档看起来漂亮,读起来也漂亮。.
  4. Microsoft R Client is a free, community-supported, data science tool for high performance analytics. R Client is built on top of Microsoft R Open so you can use any open-source R package to build your analytics.
  1. Mac Microsoft Visio
  2. Mac Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta

Microsoft R Open is the enhanced distribution of R from Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft R Open is a complete open source platform for statistical analysis and data science, which is free to download and use.

When was the last time you update your R and RStudio?

I installed RStudio and R a year ago, and never update it since then. Today I just noticed I cannot install new R packages because of my old R version. So I explore some ways to update R and would like to share with someone who is also looking to update R on RStudio.

The problem

RStudio and R cannot update on their own because some packages may not work after switching to the new version (You can still downgrade R version in RStudio if something went wrong though). After you install the new version, the previously installed packages will not go to next version. So it is required extra procedures to move the packages.

Here are 3 ways you can update R version in RStudio. Note that we need to move the install R packages, which I will show how at the end.

3 Solutions to update R on RStudio

Solution 1) Manually install (Recommended if you don't care about the old packages)

The first method is to download a new version of R from R website > CRAN. Then restart your RStudio. The new R version will be loaded automatically.

The new R version appear right after I install R and restart RStudio

Update 29/05/2019: For Mac users, solution 3 is too painful and not working well for me. This method is fast and working well. I would recommend to save your time from headache and use this method. Take note of your previous packages so you can install them again as needed.

Solution 2) Windows only – use installr

installr is the R package which helps install and update software.

The R code you will need for updating R is: (credit goes to Cara Wogsland for the code)




You can find the tutorial on how to use installr to update RStudio on R-Statistics website.

Solution 3) Mac only – use updateR

Similar to installr, updateR is the package to help updating R on Mac OS.

The R code you will need is these 5 lines: (credit goes to jroberayalas for the code)

install.packages('devtools') #assuming it is not already installed





updateR(admin_password = 'Admin user password')

You can find in-depth tutorial on how to use updateR package on this blog.

How to move the previously installed R packages

This is the instructions for Mac OS user (who used solution 1 or 3 above). For Windows user, installr package will do this for you

(credit goes to RyanStochastic and micstr):

1. Move all folders from your old R version to new R version.


Replace x.xx with the old and new R version at a time.

Note that you have to move only the packages that are not currently in the destination folder (because those are the base packages, and you don’t want to ruin them). But if you already did replaced everything, the next step will solve this for you.

If you cannot find the proper path, you can run this command to check: installed.packages()

2. Update the moved packages

Run the following command in R. Type ‘y’ for every question that popped up.

update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE)Using microsoft excel on mac.

Mac Microsoft Visio

3. Type the following command in R to check if everything went well



Mac Microsoft R

That’s it! Hope you guys success in updating R. If not, please check in the reference link below.

Mac Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta

References: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13656699/update-r-using-rstudio

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