Use the Visual Studio debugger to quickly find and fix bugs across languages. The Visual Studio for Mac debugger lets you step inside your code by setting Breakpoints, Step Over statements, Step Into and Out of functions, and inspect the current state of the code stack through powerful visualizations. Updated 3/31/2020 - Following the updated Chromium schedule, we are adjusting our schedule for upcoming Microsoft Edge releases and cancelling the version 82 Microsoft Edge 81 will release to Stable in early April, followed by an early release of Microsoft Edge 83 in In Read more. Jun 01, 2016  Test Microsoft Edge and versions of IE6 through IE11 using free virtual machines you download and manage locally. When can we expect Exclusive Microsoft Edge for Windows 7 and Windows 8? To anticipate the same: it is currently not a default option in Microsoft Edge Browser Windows 7 or Windows 8 set as a browser. In principle, it is conceivable that hobbyists somehow. May 05, 2016  How can I download video by Microsoft edge? Because most of the video,when I press download,it turns into 'Watching video' system. I can't download video. Get started today! Claim your 7-day free trial of Disney+. Download by Microsoft edge. Advanced Search. May 08, 2019 But you don’t have to wait for the final version to be released to download and use the Microsoft Edge browser for Mac right now, so if you feel like trying out a new web browser on your Mac, follow the links below to download Edge for MacOS: Microsoft Edge for Mac Beta Download Links. Get Microsoft Edge Dev build here.

Get Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android. Skip to main content. Organize the web in a way that cuts through the clutter, making it easier to find, view, and manage your content on-the-go.With world class compatibility, performance, and new features, the new Microsoft Edge is the only browser you’ll ever need. The new Microsoft Edge features: A more personalized browsing experience.

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Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2016 is currently underway, and the company has just introduced two new tools that will allow developers to test Microsoft Edge on Mac OS X or Linux. First is Edge Virtual Machines, which will let developers choose between the latest stable Edge HTML engine or an Edge HTML engine in preview.

More, Microsoft also announced Remote Edge, a new tool that will let you stream Edge from the cloud (no Virtual Machine needed) right from your browser on any device with no overhead. The tool will be available later this month for developers.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: RemoteEdge – lets you stream Edge from Cloud (no VM needed for testing)

— Tommy Lewis (@TommyLee) April 4, 2016

Developing story

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The new Microsoft Edge is built using Chromium, and starts at version 75. For more information, download the new Microsoft Edge, and try out the new Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Developer Tools.

The Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) DevTools are built with TypeScript, powered by open source, optimized for modern front-end workflows, and now available as a standalone Windows 10 app in the Microsoft Store!

For more on the latest features, check out DevTools in the latest update of Windows 10 (EdgeHTML 18).

Core tools

The Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) DevTools include:

  • An Elements panel to edit HTML and CSS, inspect accessibility properties, view event listeners, and set DOM mutation breakpoints
  • A Console to view and filter log messages, inspect JavaScript objects and DOM nodes, and run JavaScript in the context of the selected window or frame
  • A Debugger to step through code, set watches and breakpoints, live edit your code, and inspect your web storage and cookie caches
  • A Network panel to monitor and inspect requests and responses from the network and browser cache
  • A Performance panel to profile the time and system resources required by your site
  • A Memory panel to measure your use of memory resources and compare heap snapshots at different states of code runtime
  • A Storage panel for inspecting and managing your web storage, IndexedDB, cookies and cache data
  • A Service Workers panel for managing and debugging your service workers
  • An Emulation panel to test your site with different browser profiles, screen resolutions, and GPS location coordinates

Please keep sending your feedback and feature requests!


Test on Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) free from any browser:
We partnered with BrowserStack to provide free live and automated testing on Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML).

Microsoft Store app

The Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) DevTools are now available as a standalone Windows 10 app from the Microsoft Store, in addition to the in-browser (F12) tooling experience. With the store version comes a chooser panel for attaching to open local and remote page targets and a tabbed layout for easy switching between DevTools instances.

Local debugging

To debug a page locally, simply launch the Microsoft Edge DevTools app. The Local panel of the chooser will display all of the active EdgeHTML content processes, including open Edge browser tabs, running PWAs (WWAHost.exe processes), and webview controls. Click on your desired target to attach and open a new tab instance of the DevTools.

Remote debugging

The Microsoft Edge DevTools app introduces basic support for debugging pages on a remote machine via our newly released DevTools Protocol. With the latest release comes remote access to core functionality in the Debugger, Elements (for read-only operations), and Console panels. Remote debugging is limited to Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) running desktop hosts, with support for other EdgeHTML hosts and Windows 10 devices coming in future releases.

To get started, check out the Microsoft Edge DevTools section of the DevTools Protocol docs.


Please send us your feedback so we can continue improving the Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) DevTools for you! Simply open the tools (F12) and click the Send feedback button.

Become a Windows Insider to preview the latest features coming to the DevTools. Use the Windows Feedback Hub app to post, up-vote, track and get support for general Windows suggestions and problems.

General Shortcuts

These shortcuts control the main DevTools window and should work across all tools.

Show/Hide DevTools (opens to last viewed panel)F12, Ctrl+Shift+I
Toggle docking (Undock/Bottom/Right)Ctrl+Shift+D
Open fileCtrl+P, Ctrl+O
Show non-editable HTML source code in DebuggerCtrl+U
Show/hide Console at the bottom of any other toolCtrl+`
Switch to Elements (DOM Explorer)Ctrl+1
Switch to ConsoleCtrl+2
Switch to DebuggerCtrl+3
Switch to NetworkCtrl+4
Switch to PerformanceCtrl+5
Switch to MemoryCtrl+6
Switch to EmulationCtrl+7
Help DocumentF1
Next toolCtrl+F6
Previous toolCtrl+Shift+F6
Previous tool (from history)Ctrl+Shift+[
Next tool (from history)Ctrl+Shift+]
Next SubframeF6
Previous SubframeShift+F6
Next match in Search boxF3
Previous match in Search boxShift+F3
Find in search boxCtrl+F
Give focus to console at the bottomAlt+Shift+I
Launch DevTools to ConsoleCtrl+Shift+J
Refresh the pageCtrl+Shift+F5, Ctrl+R


Download Microsoft Edge Developerfor Mac 2017

If you're debugging and paused at a breakpoint, the Refresh the page action resumes the runtime first.

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